How to Start a Quick & Easy Toy Rotation System

Most of what children need to learn during their early years cannot be taught, its discovered through play.

-Ruth Wilson

I know I can’t be the only one who has ever felt overwhelmed by their children’s toys, right? Well, the truth is, if you feel overwhelmed by your children’s toys, then they do too.

In this blog post, I’m sharing how to implement a simple toy rotation system to change the game for you and your littles!

I’ll be covering:

Defining a toy rotation

How toy rotations are effective and beneficial

5 easy steps to implement a toy rotation system in your home

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So, if you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of your children’s toys, trying to find a toy organization system that works, or exhausted from living in the cleanup and dump cycle, then you’re in the right place!

If you want to skip ahead at any point, feel free to click one of the links above to the topic that interests you most!

Play is really the work of childhood.

Fred Rogers

The back story

I remember painfully sorting through each bin making sure every toy was back where it belongs, only for one of my toddlers to flip all the bins upside down on the floor in a matter of seconds.

I wanted my children to have plenty of options in toys so I thought that the more toys that were out, the longer they would play.

When I came first came across the idea of rotating toys, I didn’t quite understand the concept. We spent money on these toys, why would I store them away?

Despite my hesitations, I decided to give it a try and see if it could make a difference in my home. I was exhausted from the cleanup and dump cycle and knew there had to be a better way.

I am happy to report that this system is by far the most organized and effective method we have applied to the toys in our home! And I am so excited to share it with you!

My toddlers are much more engaged in their toys, they play independently for longer periods of time, and I can see their imaginations working and growing as they learn new things from the variety of toys they play with each week.

What I have found is that Less = More when it comes to toys, I promise!

This system has been amazing for us, and it can be for you too. So, here’s exactly what I learned and how to implement it into your home.

Defining a toy rotation

The term “toy rotation system” used to intimidate me for some reason but it really is as simple as it sounds.

A toy rotation is where you switch out your children’s toys, so they stay interested and excited about what they have available to them.

How toy rotations are effective and beneficial

-Children easily become overstimulated. By keeping toys to a minimum, you can eliminate this stressor.

-Children also become bored easily. When you rotate their toys, your child will be introduced to “new” toys more often. It’ll almost feel like Christmas to your child, they’ll be excited, interested, and ready to engage with these “new” toys.

-This keeps playtime more fun!

-The more engaged your child is with their toys, the more they learn and expand their creativity.

-Your toys will typically last longer since they aren’t being used as frequently.

-For parents, it keeps your home organized, taking away that overwhelming feeling.

-Every toy has a specific place, so cleanup is quick and easy!

5 easy steps to implement a toy rotation system in your home

Identify where your toys will go. I like to use a cube storage like this one. Your toy rotation system can be set up anywhere in your home, not just in a playroom. You can also use furniture you might already have like a bookshelf or an entertainment center.

2. Choose what is going to hold your toys that are out for play. I am loving these wooden trays from amazon. You can use any bin or basket; I recommend it be easily accessible and visible to your toddler. I’ll link a few more options below.

3. Choose your toy items for each tray, bin, or basket and put all other toys away. Consider rotating big toy items too.

4. Rotate your toys either weekly, every other week, or monthly.

5. Read my blog post on How to Easily Organize Toys for a Toy Rotation to learn more about sorting and storing your toys.

Some Notes:

The toys put away are not off limits, they’re just out of sight. If my children ask for something that isn’t in the current rotation, I will pull it out and put it back up once they are done. We actually do this almost daily. Sometimes I will also grab toys stored that have more pieces to them such as a train set, legos, magnets, cars with a car mat, etc. This adds some fun variety to their day.

There really aren’t any specific “rules” for a toy rotation so have fun with it and customize the process to what works best for you! The options are endless!

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Toy rotation products and category ideas.

Click the photos below for the link to each product, happy shopping!



Toddler Table Time Activities


How to Organize Toys for a Toy Rotation